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Walking frightened and apprehensive through the empty corridors of an insane Tuesday? From Hammer Films to Hollywood: A Life in the Movies (Midnight Marquee Press,Ģ009), Sangster doesn’t dwell too long on any reminiscences of Nightmare, but offers he found makingįilm (which he also produced) begins with a nightmare sequence, a young woman One of the connecting threads of this quartet of HammerĮfforts were that all scenarios had been dutifully scribed by their “houseĮntertaining autobiography Do You Want it Good or High due to their reimagining of the classic “Universal” monsters, would likewiseīring to the screen four psych-thrillers of similar temperament: Paranoiac and Maniac in 1963, Hysteria In England, Hammer Film Productions, riding The gimmicky producer would rush out theġ961 and, a bit later - and more famously - with Joan Crawford in Straiht- Jacket (1964). On one side of the pond,Ĭome courtesy of Shlock-horror maestro William Castle. Me – a “mad” rush to cash in on that film’s coattails. Following the success of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho in 1960-61, there was – forgive

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