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Her fierce lyricism and unapologetic persona was really exciting to me”, says Mia, 24. I was really into ‘cool’ female pop musicians like Lily Allen and Santigold – when Marina came along, she fit that category perfectly. At the time, that sort of quirky indie-pop was big in the charts, with plenty of overlap between fanbases: “I’m super proud to say I was a fan since the really early days in 2010. She released The Family Jewels at the age of 24, and its new-wave infused synthpop was a hit. A departure from the new-wave inspired sounds of Marina’s 2010 debut The Family Jewels, Electra Heart is pure electro-pop, and as Marina fan Ollie, 25, puts it, it’s “fundamentally one of the best pop records of our generation.”įrom the outset, there was something unique about Marina.

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You’d be hard-pressed to find an artist with such a consistently strong output, and the impact of Electra Heart - her real ‘pop’ album - cannot be overstated. Among seminal releases from Frank Ocean, Taylor Swift and Tame Impala (not to mention the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics in London and Barack Obama’s re-election), there came Electra Heart.Īs difficult as it might be to believe, Marina’s second album celebrates its tenth birthday on Wednesday (27 April 2022).

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